FCFS is the simplest of all the Disk Scheduling Algorithms. In FCFS, the requests are addressed in the order they arrive in the disk queue.
ExploreIn SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First), requests having shortest seek time are executed first.
ExploreIn SCAN algorithm the disk arm moves into a particular direction and services the requests coming in its path.
ExploreThe disk arm moves in a circular fashion and this algorithm is also similar to SCAN algorithm and hence it is known as C-SCAN (Circular SCAN).
ExploreWatch to learn how to deep dive into the world of Disk Scheduling Algorithms.
WatchHere, the disk arm in spite of going to the end of the disk goes only to the last request to be serviced in front of the head and then reverses its direction from there only.
ExploreIn CLOOK, the disk arm in spite of going to the end goes only to the last request to be serviced in front of the head and then from there goes to the other end’s last request.
ExploreLIFO (Last In First Out) is a method for handling data structures where the last element is processed first and the first element is processed last.
ExploreANALYSIS of all the 7 Algorithms. Let's check, which is the MOST OPTIMAL !!!